Friday, June 27, 2008

Iron Man

Tabi says: 4.5 stars

I rather enjoyed this one. Unlike many superhero movies, the acting was quite good. Iron Man is a different kind of hero, rough around the edges, and definitely more likable at the end than at the beginning. The graphics were good. It helps that the main character is a robot, I'm sure.

This was a great escapist film.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


It is PG-13, but we watched this one Clearplayed to take out one of those unnecessary scenes.

Tabi says: 2 stars

I thought it had a great start, but as soon as they switched to the older David it went downhill. Not that it was that actor's fault, he was okay, that's just where it happened to lose my interest. It was a fun idea that needed to be pushed a little further. The plot never really went anywhere.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Buying Movies

Will and I have recently found a store that we LOVE. FYE, For Your Entertainment. It's the best store for buying movies that we've found thus far. Their prices are great and their customer service, even better. That's what really sold us on them. They also sell used DVDs for great prices, AND they are guaranteed to work. So...if you want to buy a movie in the near future but are on a tight budget or just like saving money, consider FYE. They're great.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Kung Fu Panda

Tabi says: 4 stars

I really enjoyed this one. I wasn't expecting a whole lot going in, so maybe that's why, but I liked it as much as Ninja Turtles...maybe even more. Total little boy movie, but surprisingly laking a lot of the crudeness that usually comes with them. (Burping, ect.) Fun. The part was made for Jack Black.

The Great Debaters

Tabi says: 4 stars

I thought this one was good. Probably the best civil rights movie since Remember the Titans. There are definitely some disturbing images from the South, but they were tastefully done, and I'm not sure that the story could be told without them.

Again, I loved Forrest Whitaker; he's a new favorite of mine. Denzel Washington did a great job directing and acting. His part suited him.