Thursday, August 14, 2008

Space Chimps

Tabi says: 2.5 stars

This one was an okay kid's movie. I liked the character Ham, but the rest of the characters were so-so. The aliens were annoying and cliche.

Michael Clayton

Tabi says: 4.75 maybe 5 stars

Very well-made and well-acted. I loved this one. Tom Wilkinson does an amazing job. His monologue at the beginning of the movie is fantastic. Such a wonderful voice and great expression. I would watch this movie for that monologue alone. No image was even needed, the words alone painted their own masterpiece. Thumbs up to the writers.

And as always, George Clooney is fantastic.

The Dark Knight

Will says: 4.5 stars

A fabulously dark film and an excellent addition to the Batman franchise. Be aware it is very dark and somewhat gruesome. Few villains in this world can top Ledger's Joker. Well written and well acted. Again, fabulous.

Tabi says: 5 stars

LOVED IT! Ledger is amazing as amazing. Story and dialogue, very impressive. Watch for this one to beat out Star Wars in the all-time box office list. It's a little dark, but hey, it's the DARK knight, right?

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Face Off

Will says 2.5 Stars

This was a pretty typical overly explosive underly thought out (how do you like my word usage?) Hollywood blockbuster. Guys will be more likely to enjoy it, I think. No romance. No amazing moments. Lots of explosions. Great idea - but mediocre plot. Travolta was great, but Cage was not. They had some decent extras, however.

Tabi says 1.5 Stars

I thought this one had a clever idea...but didn't push it far enough. It was a lot of action and special effects loosely held together by a flimsy plot line. Perhaps some of the plot I was missing was in the deleted scenes...or not.