Monday, October 27, 2008

Hot Fuzz

Watched this one edited.

Tabi says: 4.5 stars

Surprisingly, I really liked this one. It made me cackle it was so funny. Acting was good. The main character, Simon Pegg, was fantastic. He also co-wrote the movie. The story was outrageous and hilarious. Suspenseful but funny at the same time. Definitely needed editing for the language though. The end was pretty violent, but outrageously violent. Totally fake-y. A little too much for me though. I guess I'm still too much of a girl to appreciate that kind of humor. Taken as a whole, I really liked it.

Definitely, Maybe

Tabi says: 0 Stars

More like definitely NOT! Pointlessly dirty. Skipped ahead hoping it would get better. It didn't, so I stopped watching it.


Tabi says: 4.5 Stars

Cutest chick-flick I've seen in a while. Cheesy, but not too cheesy. Funny. Artsy look. I always like that. Cute story with enough twists to keep me interested. Not to mention, I want to dress like Penelope every day of my life.