Friday, May 9, 2008

Golden Compass

Tabi says: 3 stars

I don't think all the hype about this movie being anti-God was necessary. The book might have been, but this was more anti-establishment. The way the movie portrays the "establishment" is more like a corrupt government. It reminds me a lot of The Giver by Lois Lowry in the way the government is portrayed.

If there were anything to complain about in this movie, it's the fact that it doesn't end! It totally sets itself up for the next movie in the trilogy, a lot like the Fellowship of the Ring.

I liked seeing Nicole Kidman as a villain, and the little girl, Dakota Blue Richards, does a great job. Effects were good, they won the Oscar for that this year over, even Transformers whose effects I thought was great. Some of the effects are reminiscent of Star Wars and Lord of the Rings.