Sunday, December 28, 2008

Tale of Despereaux

Will says: 2.5 stars

The movie has good points and bad points. I appreciated some of the imagery, and I enjoyed Matthew Brodrick's performance as a mouse (hasn't he been a mouse before), but the story was a tad slow.

Sigourney Weaver destroyed the narration. She keeps piping in a random times explaining to the audience what we should be learning - and it becomes agitating after a while.

However, the animation isn't unreasonable for this day in age, and there are some fun story elements. I think it would be a good watch for older children (5-10 years old).

Tabi says: 2.5 stars

I haven't actually read the book, but I have the feeling this was just a poor movie adaptation. Would have been better narrated by Julie Andrews. I also would rather have had the movie teach me a moral than have had the narrator explain it constantly.


Shana said...

We were slightly disappointed by this too....our kids (ages 2-6) were pretty bored with it.