Sunday, December 28, 2008

Kit Kittridge

Will says: 1 star

Slow moving and predictable. The climax never really came.

Tabi says: 2 stars

Predictable even for a kids' movie. Costumes were fun.

Madagascar 2

Will says: 3 stars

Fun. The animation is better than the original, and so is the story. There are a lot of fun laughs here - if you're into CG animals running around Africa.

Tabi says: 3.5 stars

Better than the first. Funny and entertaining. Little too much of the old lady, but overall, I really liked watching this as a family.

12 Monkeys

Will says: 3 stars

Viewed Edited.

One of the finest performances from Brad Pitt I've ever scene, though not the best from Bruce Willis. The movie is a little bizarre, but it's entertaining.

Tabi says: 3 stars



Will says: 1 star

Viewed Edited.

The special effects are amazing... but that's where the amazingness ends. The rest is left still 'wanting' more.

Tabi says: 0.25 stars

Fantastic special effects...that's about it.

Tale of Despereaux

Will says: 2.5 stars

The movie has good points and bad points. I appreciated some of the imagery, and I enjoyed Matthew Brodrick's performance as a mouse (hasn't he been a mouse before), but the story was a tad slow.

Sigourney Weaver destroyed the narration. She keeps piping in a random times explaining to the audience what we should be learning - and it becomes agitating after a while.

However, the animation isn't unreasonable for this day in age, and there are some fun story elements. I think it would be a good watch for older children (5-10 years old).

Tabi says: 2.5 stars

I haven't actually read the book, but I have the feeling this was just a poor movie adaptation. Would have been better narrated by Julie Andrews. I also would rather have had the movie teach me a moral than have had the narrator explain it constantly.

The Forbidden Kingdom

Will says: 0.5 stars

The only redeeming value of this movie is that it's fun to laugh at. The acting is weak (Jackie Chan is the highlight), and the plot is devoid of anything entertaining.

Tabi says: 0.5 stars

I almost never fall asleep in a movie, but this one was a snoozer. If you ever want to rent a movie just to make fun of it, this would be a good candidate except for the fact that you'd have to pay to rent it.

Ice Age 2: The Meltdown

Will says: 1.5 stars

The subtitle says it all. Meltdown. 'Scrat' was reasonably entertaining, but the story had no point. It was a slow 'get from A to B' story. The animation was disappointing, and the character voices had little to no emotional depth.

Tabi says: 2 stars

Okay, nothing amazing, but I'll still watch the third.

Get Smart

Will says: 3 Stars

Funny, not brilliant, but funny. It was a touch on the 'silly' side, though definitely entertaining.

Tabi says: 3.5 Stars

A crowd-pleaser. Funny and entertaining.

Pan's Labrinth

Will says: 5 Stars

This one was viewed edited.

Amazing. I watched the film using subtitles (it's in Spanish), and it was still amazing. The visuals, the story, the acting, the intense drama, the life-like brutality, and the endless imagination of the this film were the best I've seen in a long time.

Be aware that it is grotesque. It takes place in Spain during the Spanish civil war - 1944.

Tabi says: 5 Stars

Frighteningly beautiful. Kind of a more intense Alice in Wonderland story that leaves you wondering in the end, but somehow still gives you closure. Gorgeous, absolutely gorgeous.

Watch the special features they are fascinating.


Will says: 2 stars

An odd monster film I'm not sure should have been brought to life. It had some fun moments - and at times I really liked it... but it kept moving from a "kid" movie to an "adult" movie and then back to a "kid" movie, etc. The gruesomeness of the film made it adult oriented, but the story was often predictable and cheesy (though I think it was mostly the ending that ruined it for me).

If you love Tim Burton's dark claymation, and you enjoyed Disney's Chicken Little, this might be the perfect movie for you.

Tabi says: 2 Stars

Funny moments, but overall nothing special.


Will says: 3 Stars

Not Pixar, but still very good. This is a great family film - fun for the kids and the adults. Miley Cyrus (not a favorite) actually did quite well. The animation is better than many of the CG cartoons we see these days - and the story is entertaining. Also, its a fun watch in the 3D - if the kids will leave their glasses on.

Tabi says: 4 Stars

This one was a fun kids' movie. I really enjoyed watching it with Liam. Not too predictable like many kids' movies tend to be. Voice casting was surprisingly good. The hamster is the best part.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Hot Fuzz

Watched this one edited.

Tabi says: 4.5 stars

Surprisingly, I really liked this one. It made me cackle it was so funny. Acting was good. The main character, Simon Pegg, was fantastic. He also co-wrote the movie. The story was outrageous and hilarious. Suspenseful but funny at the same time. Definitely needed editing for the language though. The end was pretty violent, but outrageously violent. Totally fake-y. A little too much for me though. I guess I'm still too much of a girl to appreciate that kind of humor. Taken as a whole, I really liked it.

Definitely, Maybe

Tabi says: 0 Stars

More like definitely NOT! Pointlessly dirty. Skipped ahead hoping it would get better. It didn't, so I stopped watching it.


Tabi says: 4.5 Stars

Cutest chick-flick I've seen in a while. Cheesy, but not too cheesy. Funny. Artsy look. I always like that. Cute story with enough twists to keep me interested. Not to mention, I want to dress like Penelope every day of my life.

Sunday, September 7, 2008


Tabi says: 3 stars

This won was okay, pretty straight down the middle average movie. I thought the story was fun, but a little cheesy. Paul Giomatti played a fun character, and I loved the way he delivered a couple of lines. Very memorable.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Space Chimps

Tabi says: 2.5 stars

This one was an okay kid's movie. I liked the character Ham, but the rest of the characters were so-so. The aliens were annoying and cliche.

Michael Clayton

Tabi says: 4.75 maybe 5 stars

Very well-made and well-acted. I loved this one. Tom Wilkinson does an amazing job. His monologue at the beginning of the movie is fantastic. Such a wonderful voice and great expression. I would watch this movie for that monologue alone. No image was even needed, the words alone painted their own masterpiece. Thumbs up to the writers.

And as always, George Clooney is fantastic.

The Dark Knight

Will says: 4.5 stars

A fabulously dark film and an excellent addition to the Batman franchise. Be aware it is very dark and somewhat gruesome. Few villains in this world can top Ledger's Joker. Well written and well acted. Again, fabulous.

Tabi says: 5 stars

LOVED IT! Ledger is amazing as amazing. Story and dialogue, very impressive. Watch for this one to beat out Star Wars in the all-time box office list. It's a little dark, but hey, it's the DARK knight, right?

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Face Off

Will says 2.5 Stars

This was a pretty typical overly explosive underly thought out (how do you like my word usage?) Hollywood blockbuster. Guys will be more likely to enjoy it, I think. No romance. No amazing moments. Lots of explosions. Great idea - but mediocre plot. Travolta was great, but Cage was not. They had some decent extras, however.

Tabi says 1.5 Stars

I thought this one had a clever idea...but didn't push it far enough. It was a lot of action and special effects loosely held together by a flimsy plot line. Perhaps some of the plot I was missing was in the deleted scenes...or not.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

27 Dresses

Will saya: .5 stars

Atrociously acted and unbelievably cliche. Recommendation: Avoid this movie.

Tabi says: 1.5 stars

This one was dumb. Maybe I was just expecting more and was let down. The acting wasn't very good, and some of the characters were downright annoying.

This sister character was rather interesting, however, not in her acting, but in her mannerisms. She speaks and moves a lot like my sister-in-law Sarah. Will noticed it first, and I completely agreed. Their personalities are different, but their mannerisms are so similar. I would only recommend seeing this movie if you know Sarah and want to see someone with the same gestures and way of speaking, otherwise, there are better movies out there.

Dan in Real Life

Tabi says: 4.5 stars

I really liked this one. It's a new take on the romantic comedy. Kind of a man's version of the story. It's a little like While You Were Sleeping, but different enough to not be classified as a remake. It was so funny, and I really enjoyed Steve Carell's performance.


Tabi says 3 stars
Our son has been looking forward to this movie for months, so we just had to go see it. I thought it was cute, but not my favorite of the Pixar movies. There were parts that had me cracking up. Surprisingly little dialogue, but does a good job of showing emotion through robotic sounds.

I think this is one I would like better the more I watched it.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Iron Man

Tabi says: 4.5 stars

I rather enjoyed this one. Unlike many superhero movies, the acting was quite good. Iron Man is a different kind of hero, rough around the edges, and definitely more likable at the end than at the beginning. The graphics were good. It helps that the main character is a robot, I'm sure.

This was a great escapist film.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


It is PG-13, but we watched this one Clearplayed to take out one of those unnecessary scenes.

Tabi says: 2 stars

I thought it had a great start, but as soon as they switched to the older David it went downhill. Not that it was that actor's fault, he was okay, that's just where it happened to lose my interest. It was a fun idea that needed to be pushed a little further. The plot never really went anywhere.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Buying Movies

Will and I have recently found a store that we LOVE. FYE, For Your Entertainment. It's the best store for buying movies that we've found thus far. Their prices are great and their customer service, even better. That's what really sold us on them. They also sell used DVDs for great prices, AND they are guaranteed to work. So...if you want to buy a movie in the near future but are on a tight budget or just like saving money, consider FYE. They're great.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Kung Fu Panda

Tabi says: 4 stars

I really enjoyed this one. I wasn't expecting a whole lot going in, so maybe that's why, but I liked it as much as Ninja Turtles...maybe even more. Total little boy movie, but surprisingly laking a lot of the crudeness that usually comes with them. (Burping, ect.) Fun. The part was made for Jack Black.

The Great Debaters

Tabi says: 4 stars

I thought this one was good. Probably the best civil rights movie since Remember the Titans. There are definitely some disturbing images from the South, but they were tastefully done, and I'm not sure that the story could be told without them.

Again, I loved Forrest Whitaker; he's a new favorite of mine. Denzel Washington did a great job directing and acting. His part suited him.

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Good Will Hunting

Disclaimer: We watched this one Clearplayed.

Tabi says: 3.5 stars

I'd give the dialog five stars, though Clearplay certainly took out a lot of it. Lots of profanity. Robin Williams was fantastic and gave some very profound advice. Way to go Damon and Affleck on the screenplay.

I liked it, but it wasn't as fulfilling as I wanted it to be. Not that it wasn't fulfilling, I just wanted Damon's character to do more, be more, and give back. So he raised himself out of the slums, great...but what did he do to raise others as well.

Friday, May 30, 2008

The Spiderwick Chronicles

Will says: 4 Stars

I thought this was a great movie. It's definitely made for younger audiences, but I thought it was a lot of fun. If you like movies like Goonies, Willow, or Nancy Drew, this would be a great movie for you.

Tabi says: 3.5 Stars

I thought it was a fun kid's movie. It had a similar feel to Willow but for a younger audience and with better graphics.

(By the way, this was Liam's first movie in a theater...well first that he was old enough to enjoy anyway. That's big in our taking one's first steps! He did great!)

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Martian Child

Tabi says: 4 stars

I've been wanting to watch this movie for a while, but every time I went to Redbox it was checked out. That's saying something because I frequently visit many different Redboxes. Now I know why it was in such high demand; it's because it's a great feel-good movie. Very pro-family. John Cusack made a very believable first-time dad and Bobby Coleman was a fabulous weird Martian kid. Maybe having a little boy of my own made this story of a little boy needing love and trust made it all that more touching. Just like Gone, Baby Gone, it ended and I felt like becoming a foster or adoptive parent.

Just a sidenote: This movie is based on the science-fiction writer David Gerrold's experiences adopting a child. It is interesting to note that David Gerrold wrote the original Star Trek episode Trouble with Tribbles! Wow.

Shrek 3

Tabi says: 1.5 stars

Some funny parts, but not as good as the second Shrek.

Indiana Jones

Tabi says: 4 stars

Very Indiana Jones! Fun, fun, fun. I enjoyed the ties to the old movies.

They did a great job introducing a new character, Shia Labeouf, without making him an Indiana Jones replacement.


Tabi says 3.75 stars

I'm not sure what to say about this one. Watch it edited because the story of a teenage pregnancy comes with a lot of the crude immature conversations about it. Still, I thought it was emotionally engaging. Okay, you know how in a dream you are usually one character and you follow that character throughout the dream (unless you're me and you switch characters, no matter what gender or species). Often movies are that way; you feel emotionally connected to one character. In this movie, however, I felt myself in many of the character's shoes. I felt like I received a more holistic view of what it might be like to be in this situation.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Mr. and Mrs. Smith

Tabi says: 2 stars

Should have watched this one edited. I know, a lot of you out there are saying, "Well, duh!" Will saw part of the special features at a friend's house and thought it looked funny and a few different people told us it was not as racy as the preview makes it. It definitely had some raciness, but not nearly as much as the preview makes it seem. I think it needed editing more for the violence, although, I would have appreciated a lot of the raciness edited too. There was a lot of grab whatever is next to you and hit someone with it, even if it's a wrench.

There were some really funny parts, but overall, it was just okay.

Golden Compass

Tabi says: 3 stars

I don't think all the hype about this movie being anti-God was necessary. The book might have been, but this was more anti-establishment. The way the movie portrays the "establishment" is more like a corrupt government. It reminds me a lot of The Giver by Lois Lowry in the way the government is portrayed.

If there were anything to complain about in this movie, it's the fact that it doesn't end! It totally sets itself up for the next movie in the trilogy, a lot like the Fellowship of the Ring.

I liked seeing Nicole Kidman as a villain, and the little girl, Dakota Blue Richards, does a great job. Effects were good, they won the Oscar for that this year over, even Transformers whose effects I thought was great. Some of the effects are reminiscent of Star Wars and Lord of the Rings.

There Will be Blood


Tabi says: ?

I'm just not sure what to say about this one. It was very well made, and the acting was solid. The story was disturbing. An interesting look at insanity.


Tabi says: 3 stars

Surprisingly good. It's similar to Deja Vu; I think I liked this one better. There were definitely some dialog issues and some cheesiness, but I expect a little cheesiness in a Nicolas Cage movie. We watched this one with Rob and Lindsey which made it all the more fun.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Superman Returns

Tabi says: 3 stars

This one started out slow for me, but got better. I liked it better the second time I watched it. Kevin Spacey as Lex Luther was great. He pulled off the insane villain part so well. I liked that it had a lot of the feel of the old Superman.

I personally have a hard time with the woman in love with two men scenario. I always have. It just seems wrong to me. I guess, I think that if a woman truly loves a man she gives him all her love. I'm not sure it ended how I think it should. It's a hard choice. The illegitimate child was hard for me to digest also. I want Superman to be a "hero" and not so "human."


Tabi says: 3 stars

I thought this one was a cute kids' movie. The villains are cheesy, but great for children.

Ghost Rider

Tabi says 3 stars

It was better than I thought it was going to be. I expected more of a fight against crime, but it was more of a fight against evil. Pretty creepy evil actually. It was fun, but not a favorite.

I Am Legend

Tabi says: 3.5 Stars

I thought Will Smith was great...big surprise, eh? It was suspenseful and rather frightening. I'm sure Will loved watching it with me because I definitely sat close due to fright. It was cool to see New York City all over-grown.

The ending didn't quite do it for me. It was a little predictable; without giving anything away, you knew from the start that certain aspects would be important. It was like the meaning was added afterward and wasn't as cohesive as it should have been.

To me this movie was similar to Signs...but Signs was better. Signs was more inspiring...this one wanted to be inspiring.

Oh, don't forget to check out the alternate ending. We heard about it afterward. But...only check out the alternate ending some of the other special features are disturbing. (Weird short story animation-like things, disturbing.)

Monday, March 31, 2008

Nancy Drew


Cute, with some punch. I rather enjoyed this one - for a girly-kid movie. I wasn't expecting much, but I thought it was pretty fun. The bad guys are the same old infamous goofy "Horace and Jasper" characters, but it fit the movie.

Tabi says: 4 maybe 4.5 stars

I loved this one. It's the best kid's movie I've seen in a while. A one word description might be "cute." It's not the same "Nancy" as the books but still a lovable one. It wasn't over the top cheesy like a lot of kid's movies, although I could have done without the annoying, "surface-y " California girls. The story was engaging and more action-packed than expected (for a kid's movie).

I think this is one even boys would enjoy.

Oh, and if anyone from the family is reading this: the scene with the cameo is shot on Olvera Street in Los Angeles which we visited on our big family vacation in the summer of 2005. It's the street with all of the little vendors, a fountain, and of course, being that it was a trip with Dad, a Mexican restaurant.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

O Brother, Where Art Thou?


This was a pretty good film, but it was pretty random. Don't expect a normal movie. This is definitely The Odyssey. Take Clash of the Titans, Big Fish, the Great Depression, an old 30's Hollywood gangster movie, and a whole lot of bluegrass music and blend it all together...

Like I said - random.

But I liked it okay.


Tabi says: 4 STARS

A fun rendition of the Odyssey. I recommend familiarizing yourself with the story before watching the movie. I think I would have liked it better if I had done so. Parts of it were hilarious. It reaffirms what I've often thought about George Clooney, that he is a man of words. He seems to often play verbose characters. (Goodnight and Good Luck: a newscaster, the Ocean's movies: a fast talking con-artist) Days later when I was discussing the movie with a friend, the realization hit me that the dialog was great; southern, backwoods, but great. I even came back and "up-ed" my rating because of it.

It was fun to see a movie done by the Coen brothers who did so well at the Oscars this year (best picture: No Country for Old Men). I'm curious to see what another one of their movies is like.

Just as a fun side note: the actress that plays George Clooney's wife, Holly Hunter, also does the voice for Helen Parr, Elastigirl, in The Incredibles.

Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium


This was a fun kids movie. It reminded me a lot of Chitty-Chitty-Bang-Bang, the old Dick Van Dyke movie. Some of the characters were well portrayed, and parts of it were very good. The ending... was a little lacking - probably because it was a bit cliché. It was not as good as other recent kid shows like The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe or Bridge to Terabithia, but was more like The Last Mimzy.


Tabi says: 2.75 STARS

I thought this was a fun idea, and there was a whimsicality about it that I loved. However, I didn't feel as emotionally pulled into the story as I wanted to be. It seemed kind of "surfacy" to me.

The look totally fit the movie, very colorful and creative. The sets were fun, and I would love to live in the store. Overall, it was okay, but not a movie I see myself remembering with fondness in 5 years.

No Reservations


No Reservations can't decide if it's a drama or a comedy - and it drags on WAY TOO LONG. When it tries to be a drama, it's not very moving; and when it tries to be a comedy, it's not very funny.

It is surprisingly long feeling. It had a couple moments that were somewhat reasonable - they were few and far between (and almost all on the trailer).

This is NOT a must see. If you really like "chick-flicks" it might be okay.


Tabi says: 1.5 STARS (and that's a stretch)

I don't think even if you REALLY liked "chick flicks" this would be okay. I have to admit, I was disappointed in that it wasn't as much of a "chick-flick" as I thought it would be. Like Will, I think it was not moving, not funny, and that the best parts were in the trailer. Honestly, I think it was a better trailer than a movie. Oh, and don't run through the "special features" on the DVD. They're not that special.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Vantage Point


This was an interesting idea. You watch the same 30 minutes like FIVE times. It's a little much, but I thought it was interesting. Then, the movie finishes off by slapping on an ending that pulls everything together.

Other than that, this is a pretty typical action movie. My favorite part was Forest Whitaker. I thought his character was excellent.

The ending is a bit forced... something that always bothers me. But if you're not bothered by such things, the ending does a magnificent job of tying everything back together.

This is a good escapist film. It's rated "PG-13" - I would assume it's for violence, explosions, and typical action movie stuff. As for sexual situations it was totally clean.


Tabi says: 3 stars

The replay was a little much and made the ending seem almost too sudden. It was a fun movie. Worth watching, but not repeatedly. More of an action movie than I'd anticipated. Great car chases.

This movie redeemed Dennis Quaid for me. I've never really liked him a lot. I felt that this movie stretched his abilities and showed that he could be a better actor.

Forrest Whitaker was great even in such a small role. I might even say that he was the best part of the movie.

Gone Baby, Gone


Gone Baby, Gone is an EXCELLENT film. I love movies that make you think, and this was certainly one of those movies.

I can't say too much 'cause I don't want to give the ending away - but this is a great film. I reminded me a lot of the kids I teach at school. It shows a life that I can't imagine growing up in - but a life I believe many of my students have.

The theme of the movie is: Does the end justify the means?... and it does an excellent job of asking the question. Wow. Again, it was amazing.

The acting is solid, the cinematography is solid, the story is solid... This is a must see.


P.S. NOTE: This movie is rated "R" - We watched it with ClearPlay

Tabi says: 4.5 STARS

I agree, it was a SOLID movie. The opening sequence was fantastic as was Casey Affleck's acting. I'd only seen him in Ocean's, so this movie showed his versatility as it is a very different part. I prefer his acting over his brother, Ben. Though I would also say that Ben did a great job directing this one.

The movie was very real and gritty. Great supporting actors make it that way.

It definitely makes you think and makes you want to be better and makes you want to hold your children close.

Definitely a must-see.

Horton Hears a Who


It's pretty funny - but I'm a big fan of the CG (computer graphic) comedy. It wasn't as good as most of Pixar's films, but I thought it was an excellent rendition of the famous Dr. Suess story.

The characters were amazing. They looked like and acted like I imagine Dr. Suess would have imagined. I admit, there were parts that were less entertaining - parts that I'm sure were there only for the very young - but it certainly had it's moments of genius.

If you like CG cartoons, I recommend it. If your not a cartoon person... you should probably avoid this film.

Tabi says: 3 STARS

I thought this was fun, but not a favorite. Pretty average for a cartoon. I appreciated that Jim Carrey wasn't oozing Jim Carrey-ness in this movie and that he was not crude like in the Grinch. I felt like he was portraying "Horton" versus "Jim Carrey as Horton."

Our brother-in-laws would appreciate the dentist scene. It was hilarious and had Will laughing his crazy "I just can't take it" laugh (complete with knee slapping). You know, the laugh everyone else in the theater laughs at more than the actual scene in the movie. You may have heard it when we saw the little Muppet movie at California Adventure.

The Assassination of Jesse James


I thought this was an interesting film. There were some wonderful moments, but the overall pace of the movie was too slow. It is certainly one I wouldn't want to watch more than once.

Brad Pitt did a reasonable job, though Casey Affleck was quite good. The cinematography was beautiful, but again, it was slow.

The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford is like a mix between A New World and Hollywoodland. It was better than A New World, but worse than Hollywoodland.


P.S. This movie is rated "R" - we watched it on our ClearPlay DVD player

Tabi says: 2 STARS

I agree with Will 100%. I thought there were some clever ideas and that it was a great story to portray, but it moved TOO slowly. I wouldn't mind seeing another's take on the Jesse James/Robert Ford story in the future.

Will and Tabi's Movie Reviews

Tabi and I have decided to create a portion of our website dedicated to reviewing the films we see. A question commonly put to us is, "Seen any good movies lately?" In order to answer this question, we've decided to review movies via an internet BLOG page.

The reason we chose the "blog" format is because it is easily searchable. Also, you can choose a movie from the list on the right to see what we thought. We hope this is useful!
